40 positive statements

 1. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

2. I have potential.

3. I have accomplished good things in the past.

4. I am a good person.

5. It's been worse and I got through it.

6. Nothing can separate me from the love of God.

7. I am a worthwhile person.

8. God is in control.

9. God knows the number of every hair on my head.

10. I have faith.

11. I am strong.

12. I am understanding.

13. I am only human and being human is enough.

14. My pastimes are healthy.

15. I made it this far that is proof that I am an incredible person.

16. I am loved.

17. I am a loving person.

18. I have the power to be devoted.

19. Christ Jesus died for me.

20. I can sacrifice.

21. I have the power to be a great friend.

22. I am able to break bad habits.

23. I am faithful.

24. I am knowledgeable.

25. I know where I've been and have learned from my mistakes.

26. God is good.

27. I can get and stay in shape.

28. I can hold my temper.

29. I am good at reasoning.

30. I am a generous person.

31. I try my best.

32. God made me to be who I am today.

33. God's love endures forever and God lives in me.

34. Every day is new.

35. I wouldn't be going through it if I wasn't able to handle it.

36. I am able to communicate well.

37. I am able to overlook flaws and shortcomings.

38. Every day is a new start.

39. I am able to stick with what I plan to do.

40. It's not the end of the world when things don't go my way.


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