Getting Rid of Anger

 Ephesians 4:31 I read this verse a long time ago. How can I get rid of anger? First of all I can stop believing that I have a right to it. Though a popular emotion to have, it is sin. 

     Next, make excuses for people. He probably didn't know I was just looking down. She was probably having a bad day. Life is difficult. It's probably his home life. It all applies to others. Not just myself.

     Pray. Tell God your sorry and that you didn't know that you were sinning.

     Father in Heaven,

     Thank you for your Holy Spirit who brings about conviction. Thank you for the Bible and for dying on the cross for my sins.                              

     So often I get angry and try to justify what I felt in my heart and the things I said and did because of it. I know that I am not thinking straight when I am angry. I am sorry for my angry feelings, thoughts and behavior. I repent and ask you to help me not to fall back into there sin of anger.

In Christ Jesus name,


     Penance. Putting a rubber band around my wrist and snapping it as the emotion rises in my being is a good one. Pinching myself is next. Taking 100 deep breaths alone is another.  

     Reading the Psalms and Proverbs helps out a lot and so does thanking God. Making a list of things I am grateful for also helps.

     Praising God silently in my mind is helpful.

     I have found that ridding myself of anger is on going. Anger, once it is gone, is likely to return. But there is no excuse for letting it stay or increase.

     Father in Heaven,

          Thank you for the reader. Please help her to get rid of anger and not to justify it. Help her seek your forgiveness as she forgives. Bless her mightily and may she be triumphant! Bless her with your Holy Spirit and provide for all of her needs.

In Christ Jesus name,



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