Praise the Lord (poem)

      In the turbulence of my soul I can't  find a ray of hope

     My heart will praise the LORD

     Dark and cold is the night though the neighbors want to fight

     My heart will praise the LORD

     Though there are bad things I have said and done when I wanted to curse everyone

     My heart will praise the LORD

     Though all have a frown and my paycheck is a major let down

     My heart will praise the LORD

     People gossip and they jeer they gloat and they lie

     My heart will praise the LORD

     There is nowhere to go and I can't even say hi

     My heart will praise the LORD

     For God told me not to grumble

     My heart will praise the LORD

     Remember how those people got swallowed

up by the Earth

     My heart will praise the LORD

     It is always best to be grateful

     My heart will praise the LORD

      Instead of falling under a curse

     My heart will praise the LORD

     Things aren't really so bad

     My heart will praise the LORD

     The best thing I can do is stop being sad

     My heart will praise the LORD

     The fridge is full of food, the floor is washed and I don't work tonight. The neighbors only harassed a little bit and no one really wants to fight. There is a ham dinner I will be cooking and we have a Christmas tree. Not everyone is frowning why not go about joyfully?

     My heart will praise the LORD


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