Started Working

     Gifts are on their way. I was able to buy my Mother and granddaughter something for Christmas a few days ago. What a delightful thing to get to do! Not to long ago it would have been impossible but now that I'm working I get to bless instead of just moping.

     A Barbie, a Barbie jeep and some jam for Mom. 
     God be with me, the work is hard and my failures sting like a hornet. Let me have faith and believe. Your gospel says that you are love. Let me trust in that fact. Your gospel says that you are powerful, let me trust in that fact as well.
     Walking with my Granddaughter, I was praising God in my mind then the little one spoke what I was thinking. Out of the mouths of babes you have ordained praise. Miracles have been few and far between though. Money is tight but that is okay. At least I will have a little something to give on Christmas morning.
     Thanksgiving first. They bought the food. Turkey, stuffing, custard pie and so forth. No one is visiting because of the virus but that's okay. There are enough people in this house as it is. Though I miss our gatherings. 
     Poverty is humbling. You find out that clothes really do wear out and that shampoo does cost a lot when you only have $15 and you need to eat.
     God, can we really make poverty a thing of the past? It would make me so happy.
      My husband bought a bunch of groceries. What a blessing! Ham, brussel sprouts, potatoes. He seemed so happy to have done it. He reminded me that I wanted to cook at home. God, please continue to bless us! 
     I am tired, it is 10:15 am and I  worked 11-7. I didn't go out for a cigarette last night. I bet the people in the woods missed me. They watch me take my break and say stuff as I stand alone in the dimly lit parking lot. The wind rustles the leaves softly, one at a time. The sky, a black abyss cloaked with would be white clouds. A voice in  the distance says, "Ida, we are the Koo Klux Klan, you are supposed to give us money." So I put on a nicotine patch before work and God helped me resist the temptation to have a cigarette, despite the patch, on my break. I don't believe that it was the KKK. Just some people in the woods trying to scare me. Or some beggars trying to get a $20 if they can. God watch over everyone.
     So, we are having ham, potatoes with a fresh vegetable tonight. Chicken breast with rice pilaf and brussel sprouts tomorrow then it will be back to work on Monday night. 
     Fast is the ticket where I work. Speed and accuracy. God help me to do well and may you be with each one of us.


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