Prayer Time

 Oh Lord God, loving Father in Heaven,

      Thank you all mighty LORD God. Thank you for family and friends. Thank you for food and my home. Thank you for work and the people there. Thank you for the soft glow of the moon. Thank you for music and thank you for peace. Thank you for doctors and nurses. Thank you for cab drivers and cashier's. Thank you for construction workers. Thank you for the night sky and for toys to buy for my granddaughter. Thank you for my paycheck and my husband's too. Thank you for transportation. Thank you for peace and repentance. Thank you for goodness and blessings. Thank you.

     I lift up my life to you. I pray to walk in submission to your will. May you bless me with your Holy Spirit. 

     Be within me and all around about me and may I be a blessing to others. Let me always know what to do and what to say. Help me to walk in your way as Christ Jesus did. 

     I lift up my friends and family to you. I pray for their health and well-being. I pray for their finances and their jobs. I pray for their salvation. I pray that you will provide for all they need.

     Be with your church. Let there be unity and protect them and let them not fall into temptation. Thank you for your people. Provide for them and watch over them.

     I pray for all those in government. Help them to rule with justice and integrity. Protect them and provide for them.

     I pray for the police. Protect them and Grant them wisdom. Guide them by the power of your Holy Spirit. Set your angels all around about them.

     I pray for all of those who have authority. Grant them wisdom to rule. Grant them integrity and goodness and provide for all their needs.

     Let those under authority submit willingly and with joyfully hearts. Help them respect their bosses and overseers. Provide for them and thank you for them. Guide them by the power of your Holy Spirit. Set your angels around about them and watch over them. May they be healthy and happy.

     Father in Heaven, I pray for my enemies. Provide for them and may they have peace at work and at home. May we not be enemies any more. May I be a blessing to them. Watch over them and may they know your love.

     Glory to the risen King.

     In Jesus name,



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